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The Best $100 I Ever Spent

This is the story of how I spent $100 and bought part of a building on Washington DC’s H Street NE. With that investment in 2012 I became one of Commercial Real Estate start-up Fundrise’s first investors. After two and a half years Maketto has now opened, but the intervening years were a roller coaster that I never expected.
Today Maketto is a wonderful place. A 6,000 square foot space that combines restaurant, bar, bakery, coffee shop, retail, and who knows what else they’ll dream up. All of the praise that’s being heaped on it is totally justified.
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Tales of the West Coast: 7 Hours in LAX

Yeah I know we’ve been on hiatus. I haven’t been ignoring you. Life is complicated, and things fall by the wayside. I’m sorry. I know you miss us and we miss you. But this is not the story of our comeback. This is the story of my 7 hours in and around LAX. This post was inspired by Cara, friend of ETD.
After completing a 10-day family vacation in Oregon and Palm Desert I prepared for a routine flight home. Palm Spring to Phoenix to DCA. Easy. Well fate had something else in store for yours truly. Mechanical failures in Palm Springs led to an epic journey.
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AirportBurger KingLAXPalm SpringsPinkberryTravel
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My Snowed In Food Diary

Yesterday, like many of you, I enjoyed watching the snow fall from the comfort of my house. I didn’t brave the outdoors and fortunately could work from home. Had this been 2013 I likely would’ve had a few old eggs and some freezer burnt meat available. But my plan for 2014 has been to stock up on good food and prepare more meals at home. And so far it’s working. On Sunday you can almost certainly find me at the H St Giant or Union Market (or both). With many good options to choose I did what any food obsessed person would do on a day in the house, I ate…a lot.
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Ground TurkeyHome CookingRighteous CheeseSnowSwing's CoffeeUnion Market
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And We’re Back!

Hello there. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes or a bear awakening from hibernation or many other terrible metaphors we have returned. We’re sorry we went out for cigarettes and never came back. The good news is 2014 will once again be a year chock full of ETD goodness.
Now I could give you a lot of excuses for why we didn’t keep up the blog, but they would be just that. We got lazy in 2013. One big factor contributed to this. Last year was marked by an incredible number of restaurant openings (I ate well in 2013).
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Mailbag: Birthday Indian Dinner Edition!
I’m looking for a nice-ish Indian restaurant for my birthday dinner with my parents this Friday. Where would you recommend?
Oh man, I wish you hadn’t said THIS Friday, because all I want to do is send you to Rasika (or the sister restaurant Rasika West End) where you’ll spend slightly more money but have one of the best meals in Washington, DC. Unfortunately, reservations for a Friday night are hard to get a month in advance, let alone a couple of days, so you’re going to have to go elsewhere.
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Adams MorganDupont CircleHimalayan HeritageIndian foodIndique HeightsmailbagMasala ArtTenleytown
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An Ode To Union Market

Unless you’ve been trying to not follow the DC food scene, the name Union Market shouldn’t be a mystery to you. The new open air market from the developer Edens has been a hot talking point for DC foodies and those interested in the changing landscape of NoMA/H St. Now I’m not here to debate whether it’s good or bad for the area (I think it’s probably ultimately a positive) or whether or not it’s good for the food scene (again it’s probably ultimately a positive, but I’d like to see the prices be a little more reasonable).
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Swing’s Is Coming

This story is mostly a product of being in the right office at the right time. I work next door to what was for many years the Gold Crust Baking Company. In 2010, however, they moved to Maryland. The warehouse stood empty until rather recently when Swing’s Coffee signed a lease with Gold Crust (who still owns the building) and began to renovate it. If you don’t know Swings you’re missing out. Currently they have a store in Foggy Bottom at 1702 G St NW. Their existing roastery has lived in an industrial park in Alexandria for years.
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Del RaySwing's Coffee
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Mailbag: Fancy Sushi Dinner!

Sorry for the slow pace of posts recently: all the moving-associated activity has left us little time to try new places and write about them! Today, we’ve got another edition of the Mailbag, and one with a subject close to Eat the District’s hearts: Sushi!
I am looking for a great sushi restaurant in DC to take my boyfriend for our six month anniversary – any suggestions? Asian fusion works too, just would like great sushi on the menu! Somewhere nice, upscale, modern, somewhere we can dress up a little, preferably close to downtown.
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Au Revoir Tenleytown

As many of you know for the past year the Eat The District gang has made their home in the wilds of Tenleytown. Well those days are about to end. We are relocating to the equally wild and, more importantly, food rich U Street corridor. It is with a heavy heart that we leave our cityburb home. But alas times change and it’s to move onwards and upwards. Before I left the upper NW I thought it would be wise to offer a few parting thoughts on the Tenleytown area.
Tenleytown is a neighborhood without a food identity. Given the fact that the neighborhood is comprised of upper middle class families, this is surprising.
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Eating the Iceland

Last week I was off in the great North. My family and I took a trip to not so faraway Iceland (5 hours by plane). Before going a read a lot that Iceland is not a country known for it’s culinary tradition. The food is expensive and lackluster. However, in my experience I found that this may be an unfair view. I had a lot of really good dining experiences both at restaurants and eating at home.
Today I’ll share with you some of the highlights and one of the oh so lowlights.
Highlight: Skyr. If you know me, you know I’m very much into Greek Yogurt.
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Icelandlamblangoustinesalted lamb