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Guest Posts
Shoot to Grill

(Editor’s Note: Today we’re joined by Ben Merkel in what we hope is not his last time appearing here. By day he works at U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs. By night [and weekend] he cooks up some mighty tasty food)
Okay, okay, I know I’m breaking the rules here at Eat The District, but when I was invited to write a guest post about grilling at home, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do so. Besides, eating at home is the original bargain bite and with a little bit of practice, can become one of the most consistently delicious places to eat.
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Guest Posts
Great GoogaMooga

This past weekend, the food world was buzzing about GoogaMooga, the food and music festival held in Brooklyn and featuring both food and talks by celebrity chefs. Our good friend and Brooklynite Matt Berk attended and gives us all the details about what he ate and drank, as well as some tips for any DC people who might want to make the trip to New York for next year’s festival!
This past weekend 40,000 people showed up to The Great GoogaMooga in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. Googa-what? GoogaMooga is a self described “amusement park of food and drink,” a place where people wait in line for a lobster roll about as long as they would for Space Mountain.
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Guest Posts
Eating the District – with Parents

[Editor’s Note: today we welcome our first guest blogger to Eat the District. This one is very close to a member of our team. We welcome one of the mothers of Eat the District, Rebecca Lubens, to our larger family. If you have a topic you wish to write about please contact us, and we’ll get you up here.]
By Rebecca Lubens
As a mother who’s visited my son in DC many times, here’s how I imagine he plans for that delicious meal (or two) we’ll be enjoying together, plus some recommendations for great restaurant picks when Eating the District with Parents.
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