Tag Archives: kimchi

Food Trucks

Wassub: Fun with Fusion

Usually when you hear talk of a fusion reaction, it is during a discussion about binding nuclei and the quest for a sustainable energy source.  Well, the fusion reaction I had upon biting into one of Wassub’s delicious fusion sandwiches was a reaction of a different kind.  The party in my mouth kind.  The “why is my co-worker quietly moaning into that sandwich” kind.  Fusion is a relatively common theme running through the food truck community.  This is a good thing.  It allows for more variation and promotes culinary exploration.

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Food Trucks

Yellow Vendor: Truck Love

Photo Courtesy of Yelp.com

I have been involved in my own private love affair with food trucks for quite some time now.  Our relationship is exciting and ever changing.  Yes, sometimes food trucks let me down, and of course we have problems just like everyone else.  But we always seem to bounce back and I frequently find myself returned to the warm embrace of the ever-welcoming food truck community.

My relationship with these rolling restaurants didn’t begin with Yellow Vendor, but since first having it a while back, the sparsely adorned bright yellow truck has sat on page one of my little black book.  

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