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The Best $100 I Ever Spent

This is the story of how I spent $100 and bought part of a building on Washington DC’s H Street NE. With that investment in 2012 I became one of Commercial Real Estate start-up Fundrise’s first investors. After two and a half years Maketto has now opened, but the intervening years were a roller coaster that I never expected.
Today Maketto is a wonderful place. A 6,000 square foot space that combines restaurant, bar, bakery, coffee shop, retail, and who knows what else they’ll dream up. All of the praise that’s being heaped on it is totally justified.
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Tales of the West Coast: 7 Hours in LAX

Yeah I know we’ve been on hiatus. I haven’t been ignoring you. Life is complicated, and things fall by the wayside. I’m sorry. I know you miss us and we miss you. But this is not the story of our comeback. This is the story of my 7 hours in and around LAX. This post was inspired by Cara, friend of ETD.
After completing a 10-day family vacation in Oregon and Palm Desert I prepared for a routine flight home. Palm Spring to Phoenix to DCA. Easy. Well fate had something else in store for yours truly. Mechanical failures in Palm Springs led to an epic journey.
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AirportBurger KingLAXPalm SpringsPinkberryTravel
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 2/11/2014

If you know me you know I’m wild about froyo. Yes Ice Cream is great, but for those of us who are lactose intolerant and don’t have ready access to Lactaid, froyo is a great option. In the great froyo craze that swept DC we got a lot of good options. Today’s Groupon for $15 for $30 to Pinkberry (available as 3 $10 Groupons) is wonderful. It’s going to be warm soon (though it looks like we might get slammed with snow), and you’re going to be happy you picked this up.
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The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 2/3/2014

Happy post-Super Bowl everyone. I hope your food was of a higher quality than that game (amirite?). I nearly lost 100 Wingos wings, but that’s a story for another time. Anyway we got two really solid deals this morning.
I grew up on fried greasy seafood goodness. So a number of years ago when Tackle Box opened in Georgetown (3245 M St., NW) I was thrilled. Now you might say over the years the quality has gone down. But the Groupon for $15 for $30 is well worth it. Pick it up and go grab some fried seafood goodness. The corn on the cob is delicious as well.
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My Snowed In Food Diary

Yesterday, like many of you, I enjoyed watching the snow fall from the comfort of my house. I didn’t brave the outdoors and fortunately could work from home. Had this been 2013 I likely would’ve had a few old eggs and some freezer burnt meat available. But my plan for 2014 has been to stock up on good food and prepare more meals at home. And so far it’s working. On Sunday you can almost certainly find me at the H St Giant or Union Market (or both). With many good options to choose I did what any food obsessed person would do on a day in the house, I ate…a lot.
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Ground TurkeyHome CookingRighteous CheeseSnowSwing's CoffeeUnion Market
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 1/16/2014

So we told we were back and what good tidings we bring. Today’s deal actually wasn’t from today, but I saw it before we brought the blog back and it was so good I was mad I couldn’t share it. But guess what today is your day. DC is a city well known for it’s Ethiopian food. Everyone has their favorite spot. Today we are featuring my favorite Ethiopian joint, Etete (1942 9th St., NW). Located on 9th St in between U and T, Etete makes a perfect anytime meal. Whether you’re checking a show out at the 9:30 Club or looking for a cool date spot or just enjoying a night out with friends you can’t go wrong with LivingSocial’s offer of $20 for $40.
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And We’re Back!

Hello there. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes or a bear awakening from hibernation or many other terrible metaphors we have returned. We’re sorry we went out for cigarettes and never came back. The good news is 2014 will once again be a year chock full of ETD goodness.
Now I could give you a lot of excuses for why we didn’t keep up the blog, but they would be just that. We got lazy in 2013. One big factor contributed to this. Last year was marked by an incredible number of restaurant openings (I ate well in 2013).
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cheap eatsDC DiningGrouponLivingSocialWashington
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 2/4/2013

Happy post-hangover Super Bowl Monday. The Ravens and I bet many of you are happy (I’m furious). I hope you stuffed your face with chicken wings. Yours truly was featured in this video. Only one real deal in the city today, and it’s okay.
Fifty-Fifty: My love for Recessions is well known. On a given Friday you have an above average chance (if you’re there before 10) of finding me there. However, I can count on one hand the number of times I have been to Recessions on the six other days of the week.
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The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 1/25/2013

A 4-day week means that the weekend comes early! We made it everyone. It’s Friday. It’s still cold and it might snow. Cross your fingers. We got some deals for you to sample this weekend and they’re both good.
Must Buy: Another fine job from Scoutmob today. Virginia doesn’t allow deals on liquor so once again you’re out of luck on that front. But today you’re getting 50% off to Abi Azteca (3055 Columbia Pike, Arlington). With a max $15 discount that’s two entrees for the price of one.
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