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Tag Archives: Thai food
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 5/30/2012

Good morning. Hopefully the rain holds off today and the sun rears its head today. We got a few deals for you, one that’s extra sweet. To the deals!
Must Buy: I’m a big believer in pie. I think it’s one of the better desserts. I’ll be blasphemous and say that I prefer pie to most chocolate desserts (Evan is somewhere yelling and acting incredulous). So today’s Scoutmob to Pie Sisters (3423 M St., NW) is an easy must buy. With a max $5 discount you can get two of their signature “cuppies” or personal sized pies.
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couponsdealskey lime pieLivingSocialpecan piepiePie SistersSala ThaiScoutmobThai food
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 04/07/2012

Happy Saturday everyone. What you thought we wouldn’t hit you with the roundup on the weekend? Well here we are and we got deals for you. The weekend morning roundups may skew toward early afternoon roundups, but we’ll be bringing the freshest deals your way every weekend morning.
Must Buy/Fifty-Fifty: Groupon’s offering a $49 meal for two to The Wild Orchid Cafe. Four courses for $49. Now why isn’t this solely a must buy? The only reason is because it’s not the district (which is the point of this blog).
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cooking classcouponsdealsfoodGrouponLivingSocialScoutmobThai foodThe Morning Roundup