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Monthly Archives: July 2012
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 7/31/12

Two great deals today! (And one not great deal). Get ready to jump on these; I’ve already bought the first one.
Must-Buy: Stop whatever you’re doing, grab your credit card, and get today’s Capitol Deal for dinner for 2 at La Plaza on Capitol Hill. For just $25, you get any two entrees from their menu of Mexican and Salvadoran dishes to go along with two margaritas, and of course La Plaza’s bottomless chips and salsa. Considering the price and La Plaza’s reputation as one of DC’s best Mexican/Salvadoran restaurants, this is absolutely a must-buy.
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Adams MorganCapitol HillHimalayan HeritageIndianLa PlazaMexicanOdalis IISalvadoransilver spring
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup

We’re back in the saddle. I hope you ate as well as I did this weekend. We have a couple of deals this morning. Also don’t forget to follow us on twitter @EatTheDistrict, and keep submitting your questions to
Must Buy: Free bagel alert! I will eat a free bagel no matter what so Scoutmob’s deal to SOVA Espresso and Wine (1359 H St., NE) makes me really happy. Go in, grab a free bagel, and snag a coffee. Sounds like a pretty ideal morning combination. All you H Street folks shouldn’t miss this.
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BagelCafe of IndiacouponsdealsGoogle Offersh streetScoutmobSova Espresso and WineThe Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 7/27/2012

Well here it is. Friday. The end of the week. Olympics opening day. The beginning of over two weeks of unabashed jingoism. Let’s get some deals going to start your weekend.
Must Buy: I love Indian food. Usually deals to Indian restaurants just aren’t worth it. The places that they often feature are mediocre and the money just isn’t there. Today’s LivingSocial to Indique/Indique Heights proves to be an exception to the rule. $20 for $40 will get you mighty tasty, decently priced Indian.
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Bankok ThaiCafe CarvycouponsdealsGrouponIndiqueIndique HeightsLivingSocialScoutmobThe Morning Roundup
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Mailbag: Orange Line Edition

Welcome to our first edition of the Eat the District mailbag! Today I tackle two questions: one Orange Line related, and one bakery related. Please send any questions to, or just leave a comment here!
I need a place for a weeknight dinner for two that’s close to the Orange Line where I can snag a table on one night’s notice. Interesting food is a major plus, and moderately priced (not too expensive but not a bargain bite) is ideal. Any thoughts?
Oof. The Orange Line.
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The Morning Roundup
The Morning Round 7/26/2012

It’s almost Friday. Keep thinking that as you charge through today. You’re so close. I wish I had better deals to report, but alas I have nothing for you that makes me excited today.
Fifty-Fifty: Scoutmob’s deal to Sacrificial Lamb Kabobs & Wraps (1704 R St., NW) was one of those deals that seem good. But with only a max discount of $5 you’re not going to get enough off. I would go for the Chick Kabob or one of their gyros and get half off, but it’s hard to go out of your way for this.
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Bobby Van'scouponsdealsLivingSocialSacrificial Lamb Kabobs & WrapsScoutmobThe Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 7/25/2012

Only one deal heading your way this morning, but if you like Moroccan food, get your credit cards ready.
Must-Buy: Today’s Google Offer for $18 for $40 at Souk first stands out because of its value, at more than 50%. Once you get a look at the menu, you’ll be hooked. Souk serves up some tasty Moroccan food, both in tapas-style small plates and in larger entrees. $40 should get you enough tapas for 2, and there’s enough entrees under $20 to get full dinners as well. Even if you and your dining companion go for the more expensive tagines, you won’t go too far over your coupon’s value.
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Google Offersh streetMoroccanSouk
Guest Posts
Shoot to Grill

(Editor’s Note: Today we’re joined by Ben Merkel in what we hope is not his last time appearing here. By day he works at U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs. By night [and weekend] he cooks up some mighty tasty food)
Okay, okay, I know I’m breaking the rules here at Eat The District, but when I was invited to write a guest post about grilling at home, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do so. Besides, eating at home is the original bargain bite and with a little bit of practice, can become one of the most consistently delicious places to eat.
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