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Monthly Archives: January 2013
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 01/29/2013
Good morning! Some good restaurants on our radar today; unfortunately, the deals themselves aren’t always quite so hot. Here’s what we got today.
Must-Buy: Groupon continues its run of 2012’s best deals with today’s offer of $20 for $40 of food at Lebanese Taverna, and once again we’ll declare you should absolutely take advantage. This place serves up some delicious Lebanese food, and $40 is enough to cover two entrees. The only downside? The deal only applies to the Bethesda location, meaning a bit longer trip up the Red Line than if you could visit their Woodley Park spot.
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The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 1/25/2013

A 4-day week means that the weekend comes early! We made it everyone. It’s Friday. It’s still cold and it might snow. Cross your fingers. We got some deals for you to sample this weekend and they’re both good.
Must Buy: Another fine job from Scoutmob today. Virginia doesn’t allow deals on liquor so once again you’re out of luck on that front. But today you’re getting 50% off to Abi Azteca (3055 Columbia Pike, Arlington). With a max $15 discount that’s two entrees for the price of one.
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The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 1/24/2013
Hello! Apparently, today is “Repeats from 2012” day on the dealz sites (with the exception of Scoutmob), so we’ll follow along and give the exact same advice we did in 2012. The good thing is, our advice is to get these deals ASAP!
Must Buy: A lot of the time you’ll see deals that exclude Happy Hours. Today’s Google Offer goes the other way. $12 for $24 to Cafe Citron (1343 Connecticut Ave., NW) only valid during happy hour. Now this is likely the only time I would go to Cafe Citron (the prices are pretty high), so this is a killer deal.
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Cafe CitronChef Tony'sClarendonDupontGoogle OffersGrouponHaydee'sLivingSocialScoutmobWhitlow's
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 1/23/2013

Brrrr. That’s all I’ll say about this week. I hope you haven’t turned into a popsicle because that’s quite possible with the weather we got going. Sorry we weren’t around yesterday, we were caught up in a post-Inauguration haze. But we’re back and hopefully we got some deals for you (I wrote this intro before even checking the deals this morning, and like Kerouac I have no editor).
Must Buy: We’ve featured a very similar deal to today’s Google Offer to Flippin Pizza (1745 Connecticut Ave., NW) back in August.
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couponsdealsFlippin PizzaGoogle OffersGrouponLivingSocialSala ThaiThe Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 1/18/2013

Happy Inauguration weekend everyone. Whether you’re sticking around or heading out of town, a long weekend feels good. Hopefully you have some good eating lined up to go with your celebrating. Our deals today are a couple of meh options, but maybe that’s just me. Happy Friday!
Fifty-Fifty: Today’s Scoutmob is intriguing, but ultimately falls short on price. 50% off at Bilbo Baggins Global Restaurant and Pub (208 Queen St., Alexandria). With only $12 as the max discount, you’re going to burn through this deal quickly.
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In Praise Of
The Joys of Homemade Sorbet

I see you rolling your eyes already, but hear me out on this.
For Hannukah my family received an ice cream maker. Immediately I snapped up the gift and spirited it away back to DC. Suffering from a partial lactose intolerance (probably psychosomatic) I don’t go for ice cream. My love for froyo is well documented, but it’s possible I love sorbet even more. For the last month I’ve been experimenting and I’ll say I’m getting pretty good.
Making sorbet is extremely easy. After a few initial botches (I’ll get to that in a minute), I’ve hit my stride.
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The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 01/17/2013
One deal for you this morning, and it’s aimed at a pretty specific group of people, which means for only the second time ever we’re breaking out the rare Must Buy/Fifty-Fifty Combo rating. Here you go.
Must Buy/Fifty-Fifty: Are you a vegan? Do you frequently dine with a vegan? Are you trying to impress a vegan? Then you’ll absolutely want to drive up to Soul Vegetarian Restaurant near Howard University and take advantage of today’s Scoutmob for $5 off food or smoothies. Everyone else?
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The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 1/16/2013

Well hello there. It’s another beautiful day in DC (sarcasm!). If it’s going to be cold and rainy in January, can we please just get a little colder and turn it into snow? Please? Somebody? It’s also the middle of the week so you’re halfway home. You can make it to the long weekend. To the deals!
Fifty-Fifty: I like today’s LivingSocial’s $15 for $30 to Bankok Bistro at Ballston (715 North Glebe Rd.), I do. It’s better than your average Thai deal. However, it’s not superb (you’re going to get two entrees and one appetizer) and if you live in DC you’re going to have to pay for metro or a cab or gas.
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Bankok BistrocouponsdealsGrouponKababji GrillLivingSocialThe Morning Roundup