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Tag Archives: Kushi
The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 9/26/2012

Happy Tuesday. For myself and my Jewish friends today isn’t a day to think about food. But I’m happy to share the deals with you despite my empty stomach.
Must Buy: Yes. Yes. Yes. We’ve spoken on the merits of Kushi (465 K St., NW) before, and today’s LivingSocial deal won’t disappoint. $25 will either get you a tasting menu for one (with sake) or $25 for $50 for the table. I recommend grabbing a few of these and heading down with some friends and making a night of it.
Fifty-Fifty: I’m not overwhelmed by today’s The Capitol Deal to Lavandou (3321 Connecticut Ave., NW).
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The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 6/14/12

Only two for you this morning, but they’re both great!
Image courtesy of Ben and Jerry's
Must-buy: It’s about to be summer in DC, which means ice cream will be a must-buy even at full price. So if Google Offers wants to give you a deal of 4 small cups of Ben and Jerry’s for $10, you’d be dumb not to take it. Spend the summer cooling off with some Chunky Monkey or, my favorite, Chocolate Fudge Brownie.
Must-Buy: Today’s Scoutmob for brunch at Kushi is Kushi’s second deal in recent weeks, and like the first one, this is a must-buy.
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The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 5/21/2012

Welcome back to the week everyone. I hope you had a relaxing food filled weekend. Congrats to all the new GW and Georgetown grads. I know many of you may now be officially unemployed, but there’s good news, we have deals for you! Take advantage of these more than ever because it sure beats eating ramen everyday. On to the deals!
Must Buy: This may be the best deal we’ve ever featured. LivingSocial is offering $30 for $60 to Kushi (465 K Street NW). If you haven’t already bought it, stop reading and go do so.
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Guest Posts
Eating the District – with Parents

[Editor’s Note: today we welcome our first guest blogger to Eat the District. This one is very close to a member of our team. We welcome one of the mothers of Eat the District, Rebecca Lubens, to our larger family. If you have a topic you wish to write about please contact us, and we’ll get you up here.]
By Rebecca Lubens
As a mother who’s visited my son in DC many times, here’s how I imagine he plans for that delicious meal (or two) we’ll be enjoying together, plus some recommendations for great restaurant picks when Eating the District with Parents.
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