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The Morning Roundup
The Morning Roundup 5/9/2012

Happy hump day everyone! Hope you want deals because we got some for you.
Special Must Buy: Our friends over at Scoutmob have a pretty good non-food related deal that we wanted to share with you. This comes from their new Hand-picked line of deals. What they got for you is $25 for two tickets to their Pasties and Popcorn event. The event is down on H St. NE (my new favorite neighborhood) at the Atlas Performing Arts Center. It’s a burlesque show that features food from Stella’s Popkern (recently discussed here).
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couponsdealsPasties and PopcornPedicab TourRendezvous LoungeScoutmobStella's PopkernThe Capitol DealThe Morning Roundup
Food Trucks
Trucko de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo offered a maelstrom of events this year. From celebrating the holiday to the Kentucky Derby to the Mayweather/Cotto fight and a lot of good playoff sports, Eat the District had to choose how we wanted to spend our Saturday. Curbside Cookoff’s Trucko de Mayo featuring 45 food trucks down at RFk was a no brainer. Here was a chance to sample a lot of different trucks and take in the fun vibe on a beautiful Saturday. It wasn’t overly crowded when Even and Micah went (around lunch time) and the lines moved quickly.
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